香港迪士尼陪住大家14載,相信大家都十分熟悉呢個奇妙國度,其實度假區仲有好多hidden magic等住大家細心發掘,不如就等我呢位充滿好奇心嘅香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使Melody同大家分享下一D較鮮為人知嘅樂園小故事啦! 去片!
黎到樂園記留意呢D hidden magic喇! book/general-tickets
Hong Kong Disneyland is celebrating its 14th birthday, and there’s nonetheless plenty of hidden magic ready for us to unveil! Let Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Ambassador Melody share among the tales and enjoyable details with you thru the ‘Ambassador’s Journey Weblog’ sequence. Hope you benefit from the first episode!!
Let’s uncover the hidden magic collectively! book/general-tickets
#香港迪士尼樂園 #HKDisneyland #大使遊樂園 #AmbassadorsTravelBlog