大使遊樂園 Ambassador’s Journey Weblog – 第三集 Episode 3

「米奇幻想曲」作為樂園其中一個最受歡迎嘅遊樂設施,賓客睇嘅次數多到數唔到﹗但原來有啲細節好容易被忽略咗!! 我地嘅幻想工程師唔止將心思放喺遊樂設施裡面,就連排隊位都暗藏玄機架! 今集Donald 嘅粉絲要特別留意啦!

Being one in all our in style sights, visitors might have watched Mickey’s PhilharMagic for numerous instances with out noticing among the particulars. Our Imagineers not solely deliver magic to our sights, but in addition add some hidden secret on the queue areas for us to find!! Followers of Donald mustn’t miss this!

#大使遊樂園 #香港迪士尼樂園 #HKDisneyland #AmbassadorsTravelBlog#你搵唔搵到HiddenMinnie呢 #CanYouFindHiddenMinnie #GoodTimeToExplore #探索樂園好時機 #放慢步伐 #特別鳴謝Marco #ThankYouMarco #DonaldDuck #Donald #BeOurGuest #米奇幻想曲 #MickeysPhilharMagic #多謝幕後製作圑隊 #希望大家鍾意
